Hello 2020

January 03, 2020

This is my first post on my new blog. I bought this domain for 5 years. The Chinese aren't stealing dougphung.com again for awhile!

Oh woe. 2019 was exciting, with lots of ups and lots of downs. I said good-bye to so many good friends back in DC, and I've made a few friends in LA.

Love wasn't in the Californian air when I got here. And I experienced a lay-off / firing for the first time. But 2 weeks later I had a new job.

January-Went snowboarding with the bestest of friends.

February-Submitted my two weeks notice to Capital One. Crystal moved to LA. I slept on an air mattress.

March-I had two final round interviews in California, but it didn't work out.

April-I drove cross-country with my Dad across America. Visited some great friends along the way and saw family.

May-Got a job at a luxury real estate startup making a website engine.

June-Went bottom-fishing on a boat and caught the limit!

July-Sarah and friends were in town for Anime Expo. 7.4 earthquake.

August-Celebrated the release of v3 at work by parting at Kylie Jenner's new house (the startup had the real estate agent's keys), but I was let go the next day.

September-Started working at EnterMedicare, a medicare startup. Started learning more indepth about America's healthcare environment. Got to visit home for a week before I started and played the first week of Fairfax Ultimate's Fall League.

October-James Lee came down. and Jtow came to visit and we drove down to see USAU club nationals.

November-Thanksgiving was spent with Cousins down in Long Beach. Shut down Wishpanda. Attended my first NBA game. Clippers vs Trailblazers @StapleCenter.

December-Crystal and I broke up after 3 years 11 months. Spent Christmas surfing in El Salvador and Costa Rica while attending Nga and Pete's 25th anniversary vow renewal.

Books Read This Year:

  1. A Testament of Hope: Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. Animal Farm, George Orwell
  3. Reinventing American Health Care, Ezekiel J. Emanuel

Favorite Songs of 2019 (not repeating the 2018 ones):

  1. You've Got Your Whole Life Ahead Of You, IDER
  2. Sun In our Eyes, MØ
  3. Rainbow, Kacey Musgraves
  4. Winnebago, Gryffin ft. Quinn XCII, Daniel Wison
  5. Cinnamon Girl, ASL
  6. Send Me Off, Bastille. Added this last minute because I played it while writing this. Actually, the entirety of Golden Hour by Kacey Musgraves is good. I also really like the title Space Cowboy since it feels so Cowboy Bebop, even though it isn't jazz funk. It reminds me of Julia Blues.


  1. I didn't get as strong as I wanted to, but I did lift more weights in 2019. I think I may try a personal trainer in 2020. But I resolve to be stronger.
  2. I really enjoyed El Salvador and the hostels in Costa Rica. I will try to travel solo again in 2020.
  3. I miss ultimate frisbee. I will play more. Beach Pickups, here I come!
  4. Try to blog more often. My instagram daily posts only worked for 30-odd days.
  5. Explore more of LA. I haven't been to a concert here!

Predictions and Politics:

In 2013 I predicted we'd have a half asian woman president for 2020. I'm beginning to think Bernie-Warren with Yang ideas is the best I'm going to get. But I also predicted war starting in 2020.

America's started the year with assassinations. Let us remember Asimov, "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". Here's to getting through the year with minimal bloodshed globally.

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Written by Doug Phung A guy that used to play ultimate and is now building an ophthalmology EMR You should follow them on Twitter

© 2025, Built with lots of love, ambition, and regret.