Well, here we are. Another lap around the sun. 33 times around the sun and I'm still here. Not much of an achievement for existing. According to the United States government, by staying alive for this long, I'm congruent with 99.9772% of the other males my age. The others are dead. statisic from: https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html
I've spent the past 6 months building out Moyae still and finally last week the opthalmologists are moving over to our system. It is a bit of scramble, but there really is no time to reflect. Work like your life depends on it. Put out the fires because if we do not, the efforts up to this point will die.
Over the long run, 90% of startups die.
Sami and I have put in multiple 100hr weeks, working sometimes from 9am - 3am days in a row to make sure this company is not like the others.
It's hard to remember the little things when you're in this mode, but I'm glad to have good friends that remind me to live a bit. If I get off before midnight, i try to call friends in LA to catch them before bed. East coast friends don't hear from me as much.
I asked ChatGPT what has been around for about the average lifespan of a human, and it says the credit card was invented in 1950, so it has technically lived to be about a human lifespan so far. Same with nukes. It's either aspire to be a credit card or a nuclear reactor, really. So I'll try to be a card.